Report AMWPA Quarterly Meeting
Sunday, Feb 9, 2020
11:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Dr.Saima Muhammad’s Residence
6108 Martinique St, Plano TX 75024
1st Quarterly Meeting 2020 was held at Dr. Saima Muhammad’s residence. We from AMWPA greatly appreciate Dr.Saima for providing her house for holding this meeting.
This is the second time the quarterly meeting was being held at her house, it was a well attended and a productive meeting.
Dr. Maria Viqar, Vice President AMWPA Executive committee. was the moderator
Meeting started with recitation of the Holy Quran by Dr. Imrana Khalid, AMWPA Board member and Past President Executive Committee.
Dr Saima Muhammad welcomed all the members and guests.
Dr. Seema Haq, President AMWPA Executive Committee presented AMWPA Mission and Vision and updated everyone with health care programs. So far 585 people have been provided free CPR training for families and friends at various mosques in DFW area.
Dr. Rehana Kausar, President Board of Directors gave presentation on AMWPA Future programs for 2020 and talked about importance of volunteering.
1. Volunteering should be part of everyone’s life.
2. Volunteering is beneficial to the doer of good for a whole host of reasons as it is unconditional giving with no financial return.
3. More we give happier we feel.
4. It reduces stress, fights depression and produces a sense of pride and purpose. It also makes you forget your own problems.
5. It increases self-confidence and a sense of accomplishment.
6. 25% American volunteer and each person volunteers 2 1/2 hours per month.
7. A study of Americans over age 60 found that those who volunteer reported lower disability and higher levels of well-being relative to non- volunteers.
8. The positive effects of volunteering were found to be greater on an individual than other factors including INCOME, EDUCATION LEVEL OR MARRIAGE (MORROW-HOWELL ET AL; 2003)
Aristotle In IN 384 BC said: “the essence of life is to serve others and do good.”
Dr. Samreen Rizvi, Secretary AMWPA Executive Committee gave a very informative presentation of preventive Heart health she emphasized to all the attendees to get regular check-up and take care of their health.
Dr. Faryal Ghaffar and Dr. Mariam Ahmad presented introducing AMWPA through Instagram.
Dr.Faryal Ghaffar, Chairperson AMWPA Membership Committee presented the AMWPA Policy regarding Membership Dues and emphasized on membership renewals for 2020.
AMWPA Policy regarding Membership Dues.
Policy revised and approved by AMWPA Board of Directors on Jan 25, 2020
Dues are determined by the Executive Committee/Board of Directors, who may at its discretion, change membership dues for active members.
For purposes of computing Membership dues, the Membership year shall be the calendar year.
1. New members who join AMWPA after June 30th or after will have a membership of that year and the following year until Dec 31 of that year.
2. All annual membership fees are due by January 30 and will be considered delinquent after March 31.
3. All who join as a new member or renew their membership on November 01 and after will get membership of the following year until Dec 31 of that year.
Thanks to Dr. Saima for helping AMWPA host the event. Thanks, everyone for coming and supporting the organization. Together we can achieve a lot.
Total Attendees: 52
Seema Haq, MD
President AMWPA Executive Committee.