American Muslim Women Physician Association
Annual Meeting
Hackberry Creek Country Club,
Irving TX, 75063

Sunday, November 13th, 2016

Social hour from 11:30 AM-12:30 PM

Welcome by Dr.Seema Haq ,MD Secretary AMWPA Executive Committee.
Prayers by Dr.Rehana Kausar,MD President Board of Directors.
Welcome by Dr. Imrana Khalid,MD President AMWPA Executive Committee.
Presentation of AMWPA activities in year 2016 by Dr.Kausar,President Board of Directors.
Presentation of AMWPA Expenses, Collections and Donations by Dr.Imrana Khalid.
AMWPA Merit Award presentation by Dr.Tasneem Ahmad Chairperson Award committee to:

1: Pre-medical student: Aseel Dweik for $500
2: Pre-Dental Student: Sajdah Arbeed for $500
3: Medical Student: Cherie Fathy for $1000
4: Medical Student: Madiha Khan for $1000
5: Dental Student: Asfia Hussain for $1000
6: Dental Student: Sameen Khan for $1000
7: Noor Jehan Award: Lina El-Kashef for $1000

Nomination and Election results announced by Dr.Zainab Haider in absence of Dr.Raheela Ashfaq Chairperson election/Nomination committee.

Unopposed elected Executive committee member’s term from Jan 2017 -2019

1: Talat Kheshgi,MD President [ Rheumatologist]
2: Seema Haq,MD V-President [ Endocrinologist]
3: Farhat Shaikh ,MD Secretary [Family Practice]
4: Maria Viqar,MD Treasurer [Elecrophysiologist]

Farewell speeches by outgoing Executive Committee Members

Dr. Imrana Khalid,MD. President
Dr.Indra Jusic DDS. Vice –President
Dr. Seema Haq MD. Secretary

Plaques given to the outgoing Executive Committee members including Dr.Hina Mahmud in absentia, who was a Treasurer.

Welcomes speeches given by the incoming Executive Committee Members

President: Dr. Talat Kheshgi,
Vice-President: Dr. Seema Haq
Treasurer: Dr. Maria Viqar
Secretary: Dr. Farhat Shaikh

Dr. Palwasha Khan Chairperson Membership committee informed all the member the at our AMWPA strategic meeting it was decided that we create regional chapter where all healthcare professionals can meet in smaller groups and get to know each other and meet every 3 months.

Following chapters were formed

1: Plano/Frisco/Allen
2: Carrollton
3: Richardson/Mesquite
4: Irving
5: Arlington/Fortworth

Introduction of all the members/guests present
Lunch served.
There were 80 Adults and 3 children

Report On Health Fair 2016
Report On Expenses/Income